Tuesday 25 November 2014

Nesting dolls

Nesting dolls, Russian dolls as they used to call them in my youth*, or matryoshkas as the purists know them, seem to be an ever growing trend. They border on the slightly kitsch, yet none the less appeal to the inner designer in me. These dolls here, are created by Rebecca Kemp, and sold through her Etsy shop Sketch. Inc.I started my post today with the intent of creating a mood board of nesting dolls, however time and time again I found myself drawn back to Rebecca's dolls, so it only seemed fair to give her a post of her own. Rebecca's dolls are beautifully coloured and simple in design, yet packed full of character and fun, giving a modern and contemporary twist to this classic toy.

*my youth; something that I experienced a little longer ago than I'd like to admit these days, but not too long ago. . . Don't let this fool you into thinking that I am mature.