Tuesday 25 November 2014

'Tis the season for Penguins . . .

Unless you've been out of the stratosphere for the last few weeks, you probably will have noticed the tirade of Christmas adverts hitting the TV and airwaves recently. The most eagerly anticipated of which is probably the John Lewis Christmas advert, which this year features the love story between two penguins*. Since its launch in early November, sales of all things penguin based seem to have gone through the roof, so to indulge in this recent craze, I have collated a selection of penguin characters available to purchase this festive season, to suit a variety of tastes and styles.

1.Crochet penguin pillow, lovingly handmade by Peanut Butter Dynamite on Etsy.
2. Another handmade creation from Fritha Strickland, and sold through her Etsy shop Moonbeatle.
3. We take another visit to John Lewis with the Penguin cushion.
4.This is a vintage map Penguin card lovingly hand made by Bombus. Find more or their uniquely handmade wares on their website; www.bombus.co.uk, or on Not On The High Street.
5. A beautiful oil painting rendition of a penguin we are all familiar with, by Harland Miller, for Penguin books.
6. This subtle character print is made up of little penguins, though you may have to look twice to see them, from Futoshi Nakanishi on flickr.
7. Handmade linocut woodblock penguin print available in a wide range of beautiful colours from We Think Small on Etsy.
8. From Ingrid Petrie Design, this lovely little guy is called 'Hello Penguin' and can be purchased in two sizes from her Etsy shop.
9. This beautiful water colour illustration is by Oliver Jeffries, author and illustrator to the Lost and Found and Up and Down books which both feature this character, as well as a heart warming story of friendship.
10.This geo formed print is another Etsy find, from Tiny Kiwi Prints.
11. And finally the perfect t-shirt alternative to the festive Christmas jumper, from Mod Cloth.